Sunday, May 19, 2013

Glad today is over

Unless Tony and Carter are actually arguing with one another, we don't often have to tell them off at the same time. They are considerate enough to generally take turns being rat bags so we can tell them off one at a time.

Tony was fantastic all day today.

You know what that means for Carter......

By golly he had a SHOCKER of a day. I won't go into all the details but by lunchtime he had been a right old grump for over 2 hours. Anthony and I were patient with him.....oh boy were we patient.

But that patience cracked. You know how sometimes you can be patient for the most difficult behavior but its something tiny that cracks it. What cracked me? A little bowl of corn kernels.

Carter had calmed down and was closer to his normal self, but upon being told the result of his poor behavior this morning would be not being able to perform a concert for us (something he was looking forward to) until tomorrow, he saw red.

In his anger, he ran out the back and took a little bowl of corn kernels with him. He dramatically tipped the bowl on the floor and waited for my reaction.

I was ticked off, but didn't want to show him he had got the better of me. I sternly told him that he could not come inside until he had picked up every single corn kernel and put it back in the bowl. He didn't like this but I stayed firm and calm. He started to pick them up but then ran off yelling insults (I will share these later). I came outside again and with less control I told him to come back and finish his job.

Repeat this several times and fast forward 30 minutes and you will find me no longer calm, brandishing a wooden spoon, threatening to chase him around the back yard if need be. Thankfully the threat was enough!

He certainly tested us both today but we both kept our cool rather well for the most part. Aside from my outburst outside - neighbors I apologize.

During the disaster of a day that was today, we got some gems from Carter. In trying his best to show his anger he came up with some interesting insults.

To me;

"You eat at the toilet restaurant!! "

And to Anthony;


Talk about harsh huh!


  1. I think you win the parent's patience award for yesterday:) ...I remember the desperate days of the good old wooden spoon....still looking for mine...I think someone hid it years ago :) if those are Carter's insults his compliments must be wonderful. Xxxx love you lots Mum

  2. Haha did he get in trouble for those insults?
    I think it must have been the day for it yesterday, my patience were tested too. Except I think you sound a look more calm than me, I started the day without any patience.
