Friday, April 5, 2013

My shadow

Today was a day at home to rest. Carter was with me. He has been a bit more clingy than normal as of late. He was super clingy 6 weeks ago when I first got out of hospital and I understand that. It died off somewhat though and my little Carter was confident that Mummy was home for good and he was content again. Last weekend I had to go out briefly for a doctors appointment. I waved goodbye to the boys and said I would be back soon. Unfortunately I ended up in hospital for a couple of days. Since I got home, Carter has been clingy again. I think in his mind if I leave the house, there is no guarantee I won't go back to hospital again. He has remedied this by not letting me out of his sight.

Tony gets a bit anxious and asks me questions about my health which lets me know he has his concerns, but he can express himself better and can identify his worries.

Carter, on the other hand, will quiz me on what I am up to if he see's me putting on a pair of socks. He is on high alert!

Today, if I was resting in bed -Carter was there. When I went to the kitchen - Carter was there. When I was about to have a shower - Carter was there. When I searched through my handbag for a pen and my movements caused my keys to jangle - Carter suddenly appeared.

I know children can't always pin point their emotions or why they behave the way they do. While Tony asks a million questions to find out as much information as his worrying mind needs to feel secure, Carter has taken the route of the 2 metre rule. As long as he is within 2 metres of me at all time, everything will be fine!


  1. I can relate completely, I hated the thought of Mum going away. Makes me release the huge responsibility we have as mothers, especially you - such a wonderful Mummy to your boys (fun, kind and gentle all rolled into one).

    As smothering as they can be, it's nice to be so loved.
